Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Quarantined Earth

UFO and Alien issues are not the only subjects controlled and hidden in plain sight from the masses. All governments are complicit in a great unhidden agenda they are only barely aware of. The roots of control for all governments, and their seat at the table in world politics are all dependent on their intimately supporting multinational corporations that account for their economies greatest source of cash flow, and allow them any access to world resources and power to govern themselves, their people and relations with other world powers.

When the people of Earth finally see how every aspect of their lives are controlled at such a fundamental level, and they can finally, as a whole clearly perceive all the lost potentials for evolutionary growth in technology, health, spiritual and in fact all other aspects of civilizations evolution, our world will change. We will see as a species, that a few dysfunctional people in power, for nothing but the illusory control who, in fear , lust for power, greed and ignorance created headless (soulless) beasts in the first corporations, of the then, military industrial complex. The same that Eisenhower warned us about 55 years ago. But not listening, we allowed their growth, that has evolved into today’s multinational corporate, military and government controlling entities. We have now met, and given power to the BEAST.

Biblical visionaries perceived such 2000-3000 plus years ago. Their language and cultural context, not to mention the lack of the knowledge of such "entities" gave them a vocabulary of only largely symbolic or simple representative examples of what they saw as the Beast.

It is a BEAST because it is not under control. It is evil because it has no value in the lives or vitalistic aspects of the human being. It is the great anti-life being because it has now successfully lobbied in the US Government courts to be classified sovereign as a human individual and have the same rights as a human that has a soul, spirit, love, fear, hope, compassion, creative ability and more, when it most definitely does not have such.

As part of the controls exerted on us, natural mind adulterants, successively used for thousands of years by all cultures and peoples are seen as abhorrent and dangerous to this Beast. These Practices and substances to enlighten allow us to evolve our perceptions out of the illusions and limited bandwidths we have been convinced are truth, through fear and the extortion of our spirits that have surrendered our sovereignty for trinkets of false security. We have been controlled as surely as Pavlov's Dog to want the ignorant and complicity-laced Kool Aid the Beast serves us so well in media and institutionally dispensed, laws, ideologies and policies.

In place of these natural teacher substances, we are given Tobacco and Alcohol that LOWER our awareness and through dulling and dumbing us while having the effect of quelling the pain of life exerted on us by the draconian planetary governmental corporation’s constrictions of our right to love, health, awareness and happiness.

Many succumb to the addictions of these “legal substances” to avoid the existential pain, and fall into the pit of despair and hopelessness. The rest of us continue to be controlled by the very infrastructure we ourselves built for the Beast as a slave species.
When you map this all out, UFOs, Aliens, Drugs, Politics, Poison Foods, GM Crops, Oil and Energy, incompetent governments, controlling multinational corporation and all the rest, you will see the visionary biblical prophesy these individuals were describing as the controls of the Anti Christ.

While we are all myopically focused on expectation of an individual human to represent the Anti Christ, the very spirit we have been warned of permeates our whole civilized world, its culture, its peoples, its industries, foods, chemical drugs, waters, skies, energy sources, and our very bodies.

We are capable of changing and defeating this “Anti-Christ”, but only together.

“Christ” is the loving and unified awareness of being. Anti-Christ is the opposite. The absence of this awareness and the knowledge, understanding and living values that become evident in it’s awareness.

This is why we are kept divided as a people while the Beast consumes our resources to become stronger and more controlling of our world. It is not alive. It only mimics life. But so badly, it needs to keep acting like an individual awareness that cares for us, protects us and our environment.

The possible unification of the Human species and all its peoples only have hate because of the fears the Beast has progressively taught us through its owned mass media and educational systems. Our humanity is an incredible power this Beast fears. Because we are still part of the Beast’s very infrastructure, If a significant number of people who are within the machine of the Beast ( CEO’s, VPs Managers, workers, politicians, consumers, soldiers) realize what the truth truly is of their potential for a free existence, and they can decide to undermine or abandon their post in the gear-works of the Beast, and, we all support these people, and each other, we can kill the Beast. Then we can all become who we really are, we can bring down the Beast and get our planet back, our love, our cultural beauties, our lands and sacred rights.
We will also gain unimaginable new worlds and possibilities. The massive galactic civilization we are within that has been hidden from us due to the thousand civilized worlds avoiding the drunken, violent, power addicted complicit nature of our Beast Controlled world that would threaten anyone it encounters. They will come to us as many with love and acceptance as you might help a dirty, sad, hungry child in the street who has lost their mother.

Our humility will be intact. Our sadness will be for all the love, lives and potentials lost to our ignorance. We will be ready to truly learn, and for the first time in millennia we will have hope, love and most of all wonder.

As one species, and one planet, we can make it happen and be born to a new world that spans galaxies and uncountable worlds and the love of trillions of fellow beings, many by all accounts, awaiting ours and our planetary and spiritual birth.
