"Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" - A Must Read Article For ATS
"This is perhaps one of the most disturbing articles I have ever read. Not only for the insidious methodology applied to manipulating the population, but one can easily see how frequently this is happening in the U.S. Think of all of the "doom and gloom" economic indicators that are constantly reported. We get an update daily on the price of oil alone. It even begins to explain the ridiculous immigration policy that the U.S. has been determined to pursue.
I am very interested in learning more about this - its origins and how widely known this technique is to critics and the public at large. Has any one tried to debunk the origins or is it valid? If it is true, it is even more amazing and fortuitous that it was not destroyed."
The Doc;
My Response (Please go to the discussion and read others responses also)
This is only the tip, but there is a cure for such disease of consciousness and it's spread, symptoms and result. First though we need to understand how we gave access to the controllers.
The exploits are in our basic biology, psychology, ideology, social institutions and unfortunately religious and spiritual. And, this is harder to believe but true,... Our personal and collective description of reality.
Using these exploits, and planning ahead we can see why this works so well.
We need to understand the type of awareness that is and has been operating control with this dampening of our collective awareness. These people, or more accurately the organized controllers, are in a more diminished awareness than we are. They have, under the control of such lower awareness traits as power addiction, fear and the absence of a true understanding of reality, assumed power. I have pity for them, as the suffering they cultivate will poison them, and their spirits will be emptied and desolate. A horrifying hellish and lonely life. They know not what they actually do. But the bigger problem we do not see is not them. It is an entity we all participated in creating with our fears and our desires and our avoidance of responsibility. It is a system with a million eyes, ears, hands and minds that without a big picture understanding all play their part. Little gears, millions of them are all enmeshed with bigger gears that turn the shaft that shafts us all.
The exploits are very simple and we need to understand them.
Even more basic than our sexuality and the most fundamental decision making factor for our being. All bets are off when confronted with the dissolution or disintegration of our experience. Fear is the organism’s most lethal drug of choice. It is insidious and currently most of our lives and institutions at their very foundation are structured from fear.
Government is based on a fear that we cannot manage or protect ourselves.
Insurance is fear based on the assumption we can be protected, for a price.
Religion is based on a fear that we will end and not be admitted to an afterlife.
Medicine (allopathic) is based on a fear that healing has nothing to do with ourselves.
Money & Banks are based on our belief that we need money for and to protect our essential worth.
These are just a smattering of some of the fears that we can be controlled. If you want to map your own vulnerable system exploits, list your fears.
Our body has exploitable basic sub-programming very easy to control. Also with a basic understanding of human physiochemical, emotional and other sciences many ways in which we can be effected exists, unless we are personally aware. We do not know the extent of knowledge about genetic manipulation, as the Biotech industry holds such information proprietary, and even patents our god-given biology. They want the power we are.
We have in us genetic triggers we have only begun to understand, like the mechanisms our body uses to perpetuate our species. What attracts us to another person sexually? Pheromones(olfactory), visual (traits our DNA recognize as suitable for mating), Companionship, friendship and all the psychological analogs, and the subtle aspects of our personal reality, or the extended and the largely unrecognized abilities of awareness we ignorantly call psychic or spiritual. Actually that last one permeates all our experience, but we cannot yet become aware of this due to our species global inability to as yet accept this except in personal experience. This will resolve, maybe soon also.
The sexual "exploits" are used in almost 90% of media, consumerism's mechanisms and this also functions to control our basic fears of rejection and social isolation. Advertising since the 50's has used sex and death as hidden "flavor" in making the ads and the very design of products that we want, or think we want. Don't you think the global controllers use this at even more advanced levels now? We will see more as the wolf’s clothing is pulled away buy our understanding and awareness.
We believe that if we give ourselves to a greater power we will be saved. Now seriously, how can this be exploited? Try religion. Religion is not spirituality, but this is what we have been told to believe for centuries. Why do we believe this? Because we are told by the core institutions we give our money and forgiveness accounts to, who have said this to us in so many words. We love or fear some of the people who tell us this, so believe or accept it at their word. They in turn took up this path for those they feared or loved also. Personal belief based on personal experience and profound spiritual events are invalid, unless they support the doctrines imposed.
We are told that the documents authored by people who knew God personally or where “anointed” or otherwise claimed direct contact with God are immutable and unquestionably law, and our souls only salvation. They do not need proof, they say, "Read the Book!"), written by power horny early people of power assumed by many dishonest and criminally disturbed characters. Not all, but kings and rulers are most suspect.
Science tried to challenge religion, so young and idealistic, science was taken up almost secretly by the church and developed and to a large degree controlled. The very rich church could afford the technology of research and publishing. (Remember, the first printed book, by Gutenberg, was a bible!). Buy it and you can take on it’s power. This method is still used by giant corporations to control markets. You buy up the competitions and either kill the competing products, or modify and use these to exploit on a wholly (holy?) new level. Like for example, the large tire industry buying transit and dismantlinig it so they could control it’s market to its advantage. Actually they killed it.
http://blogging.la/archives/2007/03/top_la_legends_1_the_auto_indu_1.phtml (That is another area of discussion).
We ALL, at sometime I our lives have extraordinary experiences that can be termed “spiritual”. But, because the dogma of science says we need repeatable and measurable truth, (By the way in a universe that has nothing to do with this at a fundamental level.) and that the books, scrolls and teachings say if these experiences do not conform to doctrine they are not valid, are therefore evil, and, to believe in these experiences will mean no passage after death.
So science has worked well for the church. That is not to mean that the scientists are bad. Some have thunk themselves out of the bag and see all this. All scientists are people who want love and happiness just like you and I. They also have been threatened for deviating from dogma. I know many science people held in the grip of sciences dogma. That dogma should have ended back in the 1920s after discoveries made by good scientists like Bohr and Heisenberg. That too was “managed” and until the last few decades was illegible to the masses as no one could explain the theories and experimental evidence. This has changed, but we still cannot prove that not proving something is proof of no proof needed.
There is much more possible vulnerability in our humanity that those who want something from you can use. Not just the so-called folks at the “top” conspiracy talks about, (I think they are actually at the bottom), but the methods are used by anyone with enough fear and lack of moral or compassionate character and a little smarts and effort. It is cultivated and inculturated by the stories of fear we watch or listen to in media. The lexicons and textbooks (again, who prints them?) and even our history in these books (written by the victors) is taught as gospel.
Our popular knowledge is programmed into us when young and mostly blank database is present to filter. The education system in the western tradition as an example of the worst, has been chastised for such linear and subjective sources and not applying to the whole of young peoples needs. See the folly of No Child Left Behind.
Education destroys, or attempts to destroy the future of each individual if they do not conform to an uniformed idea of intelligence. Those with alternate or individual potentials are either forced through fear or intimidation, relegated to developmental or disabled designations and managed by drugs or behavioral management controls.
Even some developmentally disadvantaged children exhibit intelligence that is off the charts. Have you ever seen how amazing some child savants are? They can do memorization and have visual acuity, calculative and other hard to believe talents beyond our so-called experts ability to even understand. Why don’t we integrate these gifted children and adults to society and humanity so other children, just by association can benefit? The institutions cloister these precious souls away and label them disabled, retarded, handicapped and keep their utterly revolutionary skills and abilities from others. Why, when these beautiful souls have so much for us to understand our true potentials.
Autism might be a fundamental change in our awareness as an organism. It has traits of an acceleration of our abilities, so much that it is profoundly frustrated by the simple ignorance’s we structure our knowledge and education with. The child is bored, or too accelerated, or senses more intelligent methods they are barred from in current institutional systems to deal with the anxiety it produces. We can turn it off with horrible drugs and narcotics. The institutions that make billions on the drugs “dope” or modify the information we have on this, and also are the only providers of the drug based “management” of the problem. Way more on this if you look closely.
We are, from the first moment of birth, learning reality from our parents, then our social interaction, then by education. Our understanding of the universe and reality is shaped by our acceptance of the words from elders. If they are wrong, we find out in sometimes painful life experiences. We inherit our limitations from others. We have NONE at birth.
Education is a tool of the institutions who own us. Back in the industrial revolution when the factories and manufacturing was first seeing how much financial power they could gather, they found they needed good workers that would follow orders and do repetitive work without being diverted. I call the people they created “Gears”. The people behind these factories where in control of so much power they became involved in the governance of the people. A few of these people where charged with creating our educational systems. They established the same basic structures of our educational system still used today. They wanted a good yearly harvest of factory workers. They wanted people who would take orders, do menial tasks and not ask questions or question established methods or authority. This worked well for government too, so this was adapted easily in and around the late 1900s and 1920’s.
One of the traits they did not want was creativity or logical thinking. A few would be educated for positions of authority, but most they needed Gears for factories essential to gaining power through economic and political channels. Our ability to wage wars and protect our land and impose our ideals on others and gain new resources, depended on our ability to make weapons and arm troops. The “war machine” needed people to be good gears. Lots of them too. So educational institutions became the training camps for the industries. Still today this is the way it works. The best “students” (Gears) are had mostly by government and military and the rest go to supporting industry and institutions. All the others just define the face of illusions we think education and social reality is.
Actually, if we cultivated creative in children at the begining, made memorization a simple mechanism for greater knowledge as it maybe should be in early education, teach with methods that give experiential and wisdom based data, teach history with wider bandwidth for alternate record, include ALL different theory and versions of each discipline, we might find that our children are actually brilliant beyond our wildest dreams. Because a child cannot understand mathematics, does not mean they are lacking any ability. Einstein must have been autistic. He had problems with simple math, but as soon as he got a taste of other methods of calculation, he was one of the best thinkers in history.
Much of us still believe the history we where taught. We believe the teachers, because we in many cased loved them for their gifts. Yet they are not loved by their institution, and they too are controlled by not having enough resource or enough intellectual rope to teach us what they know we have the ability to learn. These heroic, tireless, loving and inspired people are gifts to us all. Some might be tools of the machine, but most truly love to help us to learn how to learn. They give of their own paltry salaries in many cases to give the children the supplies and time needed. Bless them for that. They are teaching, by teaching as they do. They are the gentle loving cultivators of our future potentials and they are marginalized to an area of society that they should be at the top of.
Our children are our most precious resource for a positive evolutionary outcome. Give them all the resources and love you possibly can. One child might be creative and skilled enough to save our world some day.
So I have written five pages I will not be able to post, and is not finished in my opinion. I am not a writer, but cannot stop for the importance of this issue. I must finish this however or go nuts.
So with this all in mind, we can see how control is built into the foundations of our human world. We can also see how we all are controlled if we do conform, but seemingly destroyed if not. You cannot be in society without interacting with all the things the control is embedded. There is a way out however, and they (the big gears) will not even know you are gone. You are not gone, but are on a much wider bandwidth.
There is a perfect path in everyone that is unique and powerful and cannot be touched by anything except your own doubt and fear. It cannot be seen in a linear sense, but coexists within all the madness without revealing itself. It has no method, it has no symbols, it has no doctrine or dogma or any rules. No one can have it but you, yet its fruits can nourish all, and be shared with everyone and everything. It is beyond any philosophy, ideology or way of thinking.
This “way” that is yours, cannot be touched by anyone or anything. The controls talked about in the document linked here are naked to the awareness you can have. You cannot be easily fooled as “they” would like when you have knowledge, understanding and awareness. New awareness will emerge if you disbelieve the limits and allow it to grow in you.
Keep communicating with others, learning from them, loving them and trying to understand even the most outrageous stories and knowledge they share. Listen to all, consider all. You will know what things are for you, and what things are for others. Gather these for your own self and spirit and disregard those things you feel are not you. You will eventually purge the descriptions you adapted from authority that did not know you or your infinite potentials. Believe in yourself FIRST, and then consider all others and your experience to evolve yourself.
They cannot control an awakened being. Follow your path and become the best you can at whatever is in your heart. If it is not in your heart, it is not good for you. Mom may out of misguided love, wanted you to be a doctor, or a simple housewife. You however may have wanted to be an artist or a teacher. Do it. The dark controlling system cannot survive the truth (light) in us all. That truth in each of us is the system. It is infinitely bigger than the dark controlling structures discussed here. It might be confused and diverted for a while, but it is always there and will be there when we need it.
People are not the sheep they have been told. They are not stupid or uneducated. Our potentials are beyond imagination for us if we allow ourselves the freedom to be what our hearts say our possibilities really are.
Wake up and smell the burning dogma. See the true sun rise to dissolve the shadows. See love in everything and everyone. Physician, heal thyself.
Oct 2007,ZG B1